Thursday 29 March 2012


We had our second and third tennis coaching lesson this week. We learnt lots of new skills for hitting the ball with the racket.

I'm hitting the ball up in the air.
I'm bouncing the ball ten times.
My ball is flying into the bush.
I am trying to get the ball onto my racket.
I'm hitting the ball but I missed it the next time.
I hit the ball high in the air and spun my racket around.
I learnt to hit the ball up in the air. I had a good time.

Tuesday 27 March 2012

Netball Practice

Last Thursday was  the first netball practice for some of the students in Room 1. The team is mostly made up of people from our class. We will keep you in touch with how they go when games start next term.

Passing practice

Thursday 22 March 2012

Dragon Boat Races

Here is a story about one student's special day. If you have a special story please share it with your classmates.

On Saturday I went to watch my dad do his dragon boat races. I did not get to see the first one but that did not matter because it was a practice. I shouted "Go Doctapus!" to cheer him on. 

The finals is the race that you can win a medal, first place you get a gold medal, second place you get a silver medal and third you get a bronze medal.  The teams that come in forth and fifth place do not get a medal. My dad came first and got a gold medal.  

It is a big boat racing in the sea. For this type of racing you only paddle on one side so you can paddle really fast. I did not see my dad that night because he went to prize giving to get his medal along with the rest of his team. I saw his medal in the morning.

Sunday 18 March 2012

Our Rock Pool

Our rock pool on the back wall of our class is slowly coming together. Here are some pictures of the real thing along with our versions.

Here are our barnacles


Some sea lettuce.

The Red Beadlet sea anenome which is one of our favourites.

White Striped sea anenome.


Cook'sTurban seasnail - ok we cheated a bit on this one. 

Saturday 17 March 2012

Floppy Flo and AB

We had two visitors to Room 1 - Floppy Flo and AB. They belong to Eliza and Oscar and we were excited to have them in our class.

Floppy Flow (standing) and AB

AB got carried around so everyone could touch her.

We got to feed AB some grass, Flo wasn't hungry.
The rabbit's were cute! - Emily
They were only 3 months old. - Benjamin
AB was very hungry. She kept on nibbling on the grass. - Ben
Floppy Flo had one ear up and one ear down. - Izzy

Sunday 11 March 2012

Our First Flower

We have our first flower in our class flower pot and it's a pansy.
I have decided to call him Herbert - unless anyone else can come up with a better suggestion.

Thursday 8 March 2012


Room 1 has been learning about barnacles and we were very excited to see some barnacles when we visited Island Bay. I heard more than one student telling the staff at the Marine Education Centre what they had learnt.
Here is a report about barnacles that we wrote as a class.

Barnacles are white, grey or brown. You might have seen them on the rocks at the beach. They also live on shellfish, boats, wharves, and even on whales. Even though they don’t look interesting, they are razor sharp. If you slip or fall on them you could get a nasty cut. 

Did you know barnacles are crustaceans? They are related to crabs, shrimps, and lobsters.
Here are some barnacles we saw at Island Bay

How do barnacles live?
You might think that barnacles look nothing like crabs and lobsters, but when they hatch baby barnacles look just like crabs. 

A barnacle larvae
When the barnacles become adults they glue themselves onto rocks. The glue they use is one of the strongest in the natural world. They then build walls around themselves for protection. Barnacles live in groups or colonies.

Barnacles eat plankton. They scoop up their food with their feathery legs.

Barnacle Enemies
Barnacles have many predators including sea stars, fish, birds, and sea snails. They have no defence against pollution especially oil spills.

By Room 1 

Here is a video we found that shows barnacles feeding.