Wednesday 29 February 2012

Leap Day

This year is a leap year and today is February 29th - Leap Day. We celebrated by leaping!

We need a leap day because the Earth takes 365 days and 6 hours (almost) to go around the sun. Every four years we need an extra day so our months and year continue to match with the seasons.

Tuesday 28 February 2012

Look we're not normally this sleepy.......

Yesterday we went out to take a class photo to go on office wall. It was all too much excitement for Room 1!
Maybe Mr Haste was telling another story.

Friday 24 February 2012

The "All About Responsibility" Song

After some requests today, here is the  "All About Responsibility" song. This is the same track used in the recent photo slideshow. The children all presented very well at assembly today, sharing the things they are responsible for.

Nola Nan's Caterpillars

Last Friday I went to Nola Nan's house. She had some monarch caterpillars on her swan plants.
She also had some chrysalises. Can you see one in this picture?

We found one on her wall by her deck. My sister and I used a magnifying glass to look at the chrysalis.

If you have done something special that you want to share with our class then email me some photos and we can post them on our blog. Maybe you were player of the day, achieved a new belt at karate, went somewhere special or did something for the first time. 
For parents and whanau - our policy is not to identify students in photos so please be aware of this when sending in photos or commenting on our blog.

Thursday 23 February 2012

Taking Responsibility

Our Key Competency this term is Managing Self.

Our focus for the last two weeks has been Taking Responsibility.
We have discussed that we are responsible for all the things we do and say. We can't blame others for what we do.
We also have our own responsibilities at home and at school. Here are some of them.

Wednesday 22 February 2012


Today Ben brought in some cicada shells and an adult cicada to class. We found out some more about them.

Adult cicadas only live for 2 to 4 weeks. The nymphs (the young cicadas) live for 3 years underground and maybe up to 5 years. The nymphs attach them selves to roots and feed on sap from the plants. Adults also feed by drinking plant sap.

The shells we see everywhere are from when the nymphs come out from underground and change into adult cicadas. Its a bit like a butterfly coming out of a chrysalis.

If you are ever digging in the garden and find one of these you have found a cicada nymph.

We got our information from Te Ara - The Encyclopedia of New Zealand, here is the link if you want to read more.
 Question - Can you tell me the Maori name for cicadas?

Well done to Ben and Hannah - cicadas have different names in Maori. The cicadas we have been looking at are called chorus cicadas or kihikihi-wawā

I stayed near a place called Kihikihi in the holidays. Can you find it on a map?

Monday 13 February 2012

Goodtime Music Academy

On Friday at assembly we had a visit from the Goodtime Music Academy. They came to play music and entertain us. 

They showed us their instruments. They had electric guitar, drums, and ukulele. They let some people have a turn. Lara got to have a turn on the electric drum kit but they kept changing so the drum made funny noises. The drums went 'YEEE Ahhhh', 'bonkit' and 'Oh YEAH'. May's brother Cooper got dressed up as a rock guitarist. 

We also had a dance competition, Cayden won by getting 5000 imaginary points. He danced really silly.

They were really really good and we had lots fun.

Playing the drums. Oh Yeah!

The drum stick twirling competition - an essential skill for all drummers.

Sunday 12 February 2012

News Groups

We have our own days to share news in Room 1 for the rest of the term. It means that the students can plan ahead about what they are going to share and practice at home what they are going to say.

News Groups
Also for your information Library Day for Room 1 is Wednesday.

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Fitness 2012

Today we got into our fitness groups for the first time. Here we are all lined up and ready to go.

Then we did some relays. Can you guess what we are supposed to be doing here?

Monday 6 February 2012

Week 2 Term 1

Some things you need to know for week 2.

Reading books will start to come home this week and spelling words the week after. Home reading books should be easy (based on what students were reading at the end of last year). If you are finding the books difficult please let me know.
Library - our library day is Wednesday.
Maths - we will be continuing our Statistics work that we started last week focussing on collecting and displaying data.
Reading - we will be learning how we do the independent reading activities in Room 1.
Swimming - while we may not swim every day it is important that students have their named togs and towel with them.

Our First Swim

On Friday we had our first swim of the year!

First one in
Most of Room 1 found the water quite cold judging by their comments.
"It was freezing cold" - May
"The water was like ice-cubes" - Zoe R
"When I went in I put my head straight under and it wasn't too bad" - Rachel

Everyone in the middle.

Back out and heads under!

We will be swimming around three times a week depending on the weather and our class work. It is important that everyone brings their swimming togs and towel every day.