Thursday 31 May 2012

Interviews and Goal Sheets

I just want to say thank you to all the parents and children who came along to interviews last week. It can be hard to get out on a week night but your input to your child's learning is appreciated.
Thank you as well for the prompt return of all the students' goal sheets.
David Haste

Monday 21 May 2012

Paper Helicopters

Today we had fun making paper helicopters. We were following instructions to carefully to create our helicopters. Here we are flying them.
Our next step is to write out the instructions to explain how to make a paper helicopter.

Friday 18 May 2012


On Tuesday Liam and Haley came to perform their Storylines show based around four of the  finalist books from the New Zealand Post Children's Book Awards. We had already read some of the books in class.



Here are Liam and Haley  performing for us.


Here are some comments from Room 1:
The boy was a bit funny.
When you are bored you need to find something else to do - that's what we learned
Liam was silly.
It was funny when grandad drank all the tea he was supposed to give to Claire
I liked it when they went on the magic carpet

Sunday 13 May 2012

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all the Room 1 mothers (and any other mothers who drop by our blog).

I hope you liked your cards, simile poems and flowers. We had a lot of fun making them.

I certainly had a lot of enjoyment helping out with some of the more unusual similes :-)

Mr Haste


On Friday we had our first moveMprove lesson of the term. I was pleased to see how much the students have remembered from last year.
There are two main areas or skill sets that are the main focus of these lessons. The first is maintaining balance and landings The second is the students being aware of their body's movements and of the space around them.

The beam
Mat exercises
Large ball skills
High bar
Whole class movement

Mr Haste has been practicing his photo skill as well, and using the technique we have learnt this week. Can you tell which photos were taken like a mouse?

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Like a Mouse

We have started exploring taking photographs from different angles to make our images more interesting.

The first angle we tried is taking a photo like a mouse. A mouse is close to the ground, looking along and slightly up. Here are some great examples from our work.
By Zoe A

By Zoe A (again)

By Lara

By Ben

By Zoe R

By Rachel

By May

Horse Riding

On the weekend Some of the Room 1 girls went horse riding. Here is a report that Zoe wrote:

It was a lovely sunny day Sunday and we were going to Johnsonville to the Riding School.  The cafe there was called "Saddleback Cafe".  My horse was brown and was called "Bella" and Lara went on the same horse as me.  Izzy and Zoe rode "Gremlin" and Lidia and Rachel rode "Duchess" who was a bit frisky and very fast.  I joked with Rachel to swap because she didn't like going too quickly, and I like going fast. Anyway I liked going on Bella instead."

Waiting for our turn.


Monday 7 May 2012

Charlie's Mathletics

What a fantastic job Charlie has been doing on Mathletics. Here is where he was in the world, New Zealand and where our class got up to.

Second in New Zealand
35th in the World!
Which helped make Room 1
third best in New Zealand
Can you match Charlie's efforts? If we all try hard we can get our class to number 1 in New Zealand.

Our New Car

Today we made our a new car and here it is.
If you make your own car you can save it and then email it to me. Don't forget your description if you want to share it with others.

Here is the link:


Last week we had football training. Symon and Martin came from the Lower Hutt Football Club to teach us some new skills. We learnt to dribble and control the ball.
Some days we were on the court and some days in the hall, we even made it on to the grass on the last day.