Monday 30 April 2012

Maths Practise Wiki

Mrs Morgan has been hard at work and created a wiki that has fun on-line activities to practice your basic facts.
You can explore other areas of maths that we are using in class. Have a look at the algebra activities.

There is information about each stage of your Basic Facts Ladder (good for parents) and some activities to help you along the way. You can even have fun doing it!

The link is here and on the sidebar too. Don't forget to bookmark it on your home computer.

Maths Practise Wiki

Thank you Mrs Morgan!

Normandale Stars

On Saturday the Normandale Stars had their first netball game ever. We played against Boulcott and they won 5-0.
It was hard because it was our first game and they were good at getting in front of us and putting their hands up. We learnt it was easier to keep your hands low and then put them up to catch the  ball. Their uniforms were quite like ours so it was tricky and sometimes we didn't know who to pass to.
Lara was our player of the day because she put lots of effort and was always moving.
The magnificent Normandale Stars

Friday 27 April 2012

Autumn Poems

We have been writing poems about the autumn leaves outside our classroom. The students took the photos as well - aren't they talented!
Zoe, Benjamin, Zoe and Arama
  Emily, Hannah and Liam
Caitlin, Christopher, Lilly and Charlie

Thursday 26 April 2012


It was good to hear that some of our student's went to the ANZAC Day services.
Here is a wreath that we made.
We talked about what 'Lest we forget' means - so we don't forget what others have done.

Monday 2 April 2012

My First Rugby Game

On Saturday I went to the Cheetahs and Hurricanes game. I went with Lara, my Dad and Robin.
For dinner I had Fish and Chips. The Cheetahs won. I wanted the Hurricanes to win. 
Did you go to the rugby?